Are you ready to watch the ‘Citizen Kane of Bad Films’ on the biggest screen in the city?
Continue reading THE ROOM with Greg Sestero – 22nd May, Bristol MegascreenAll posts by theotherbbfc
SOLD OUT: ROAR (1981) – 25th January 2025, Cube Microplex
New year, new fear. Bristol Bad Film Club and The Cube present Roar as the second part in a flesh devouring double bill with introduction by BBFC organiser and Roar scholar, Timon Singh. While not typically held up as a horror film, Roar will have you more palpably scared for the character’s safety than just about any other film you care to name.
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FLYING BAPTISTS OVER NOLLYWOOD – 19th October, Bristol Improv Theatre
Prepare for the most blasphemous collaboration in Bristol film history as we team up with Bristol Black Horror Club and trash aficionado Andrew Leavold for FLYING BAPTISTS OVER NOLLYWOOD- a deep dive into the nightmarish world of African Godsploitation!
Continue reading FLYING BAPTISTS OVER NOLLYWOOD – 19th October, Bristol Improv TheatreSOLD OUT: CAVEMAN (1981) – 22nd February, Bristol Improv Theatre
What happens when the writer of Jaws directs a former Beatle in a prehistoric romp featuring stop-motion dinosaurs and bikini-clad Bond girls? A non-stop zany adventure with a regard for archaeological accuracy that makes Bath Archaeo-Heritage Film Festival want to weep…
Continue reading SOLD OUT: CAVEMAN (1981) – 22nd February, Bristol Improv TheatreSOLD OUT: PLANKTON (AKA CREATURES OF THE ABYSS) (1994) – 25th January 2024, Bristol Improv Theatre
“I have the feeling that the secret of this ship is somehow tied to these strange fish.”
Continue reading SOLD OUT: PLANKTON (AKA CREATURES OF THE ABYSS) (1994) – 25th January 2024, Bristol Improv TheatreA DISTURBANCE IN THE FORCE + STAR WARS RIP-OFF CELEBRATION – 14th December, Former Bristol IMAX
We celebrate the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special with a screening of the new documentary A Disturbance in the Force and behold the most notorious Star Wars rip-offs with Bad Movie Bible author Rob Hill!

SOLD OUT: MANCUNIAN MAN: THE LEGENDARY LIFE OF CLIFF TWEMLOW + G.B.H (Double Bill) – 20th November, The Cube Microplex
We celebrate the career of Cliff Twemlow – bouncer, novelist, composer, screnwriter, producer and action legend with a double bill of Mancunian Man: The Legendary Life of Cliff Twemlow and his magnum opus G.B.H. (Grevious Bodily Harm).
Continue reading SOLD OUT: MANCUNIAN MAN: THE LEGENDARY LIFE OF CLIFF TWEMLOW + G.B.H (Double Bill) – 20th November, The Cube MicroplexSOLD OUT: A LIFE ON THE FARM (2023) + DIRECTOR Q&A – 7th September, Bristol Improv Theatre
Meet Charles Carson, a film-making farmer from Somerset… and he’s got something to show you!
Continue reading SOLD OUT: A LIFE ON THE FARM (2023) + DIRECTOR Q&A – 7th September, Bristol Improv TheatreSOLD OUT: BRISTOL BAD FILM CLUB’S 10TH ANNIVERSARY DOUBLE BILL – 11 August, Watershed
Celebrate 10 years of bad film club screenings with a new cult classic and an old favourite at Watershed!
Continue reading SOLD OUT: BRISTOL BAD FILM CLUB’S 10TH ANNIVERSARY DOUBLE BILL – 11 August, WatershedSOLD OUT: THE DRAGON LIVES AGAIN (1977) – 20th July, Bristol Improv Theatre
On the 50th anniversary of Bruce Lee’s death, we screen one of the strangest Bruceploitation films to ever have been made.

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