Who wants to watch Verotika together… but alone?

With the Bristol Bad Film Club screenings off for the next few months, we thought we’d try something new.
Of course, time differences being what they are, we suggest doing a UK-based one, so here’s what we propose:
THURSDAY 19th MARCH, 9PM: Everyone logs on to Amazon Prime (if you’re able) and rents Verotika (it’s £3.49! £4.49 in HD – come on!).
We then have a watch-along both on Facebook (here in this event page) and on Twitter (follow us at @TheOtherBBFC and use the hashtag #VerotikaUK). This way, we all have the experience of watching a bad film together… but apart.
If it works out ok and everyone has a good time, maybe we’ll do it again in a couple of months to keep everyone sane. Samurai Cop is on Amazon Prime… So, who’s with us?
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