When a film is depicting Mount Olympus, home of the gods, in a land known for its heat and glorious weather, and the venue you are at is warmer than the scenes in the film look, you know it’s going to be interesting.
But despite the humidity, 210 people rocked up for our latest screening, this time of Arnie’s debut feature, Hercules in New York. Familiar faces (we need a name for fans) and new faces all streamed in, grabbed a drink, enjoyed the fresh evening air, before heading into the screening.
There was a great buzz. At the Redgrave Theatre in Clifton, we had the advantage of one of the best venues yet – raked comfortable seating, huge screen – and the crowd was clearly loving it. One guy had even picked our screening to attend for his first time in Bristol since 1984 on a three day trip from Hong Kong!
Ti introduced Kate from Bristol Autism Support, to whom the profits of the night are going, who gave a brief summary of what their work was all about. A brief powerpoint-enhanced presentation followed – and the slides were particularly memorable – before a switch from our usual order of things.
In the past we’ve given audiences a sneak preview of the next month’s screening. However we wanted to get details of our August screening – MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE – out before schools closed for the summer, because it’s going to be an outdoor family spectacular, to mark our first year of operation!

And then, in September, we are going to be part of Scalarama, and have not one, but two screenings, of not two, but three films!
So we showed trailers for all our forthcoming screenings before the main feature. All we needed was an EE advert with Kevin Bacon before the film, and we’d have the makings of a regular cinema.
Before the film itself, we’d lined up a short video of a young Arnie discovering the treats of Rio de Janeiro. It’s … of its time. And we discovered that Arnie’s favourite body part is, apparently “the ass”. Well, there you go. One obscure pub quiz question answered there.
Hercules in New York is everything you could have hoped for: horrific acting, bad costumes, awful acting, dire script, horrendous acting, woeful camera work, and pitiable acting. Did I mention the acting?
That the star of this film would become the Governor of California is mind-boggling. He can barely string a sentence together in English, never mind govern a state.
But it’s Schwarzenegger’s enduring appeal that makes this film such a fond experience. It’s impossible to hate because it’s impossible to hate Arnie.
As well as Masters of the Universe next month, September is going to be our busiest month yet.
On September 13th, we’re finally screening the film that we wanted to screen back in March. We’re showing SHARK ATTACK 3: MEGALODON. And we’re showing it aboard the MV Balmoral, moored outside the M-Shed. It’s a small venue, so if you want to come, I suggest you buy tickets now. It’s going to be an exclusive, intimate affair. But no less fantastic. It stars a young John Barrowman, and you can find out more info and get tickets here.
Then on September 19th, we’re back at the Redgrave Theatre for an 80s ACTION DOUBLE BILL. We’re making up for the child-friendly Masters of the Universe with all-out gratuitous violence and nudity with DEADLY PREY and HARD TICKET TO HAWAII. Tickets and info are here.
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