When animals attack!

If B-movies are to be believed, every animal species on Earth is out to kill us – bears, bees, ants, sharks, rabbits…


Creature features are a genre unto themselves and while there are certain animals that lend themselves to the genre (killer bees, snakes, sharks, spiders), this hasn’t stopped filmmakers from turning to more ‘unthreatening’ animals to strike fear into our souls.

Ahead of our killer cat film Uninvited, we look at some of the strangest creature features out there.

1. Shakma (1990)


A group of medical students are hunted by a psychotic lab test baboon! And yes, that is Roddy McDowell showing up for a quick paycheck!

2. Night of the Lepus (1972)

Night of the Lepus

Dare you face the sheer terror of giant mutant rabbits in this Janet Leight cult classic?

3. Willard (1971)


Fed up of being constantly abused by his boss (Ernest Borgnine), Willard (Bruce Davison) unleashes an army of rats upon those who have wronged him. This was actually remade in 2003 with Back To The Future’s Crispin Glover.

4. Wild Beasts (1984)

Wild Beasts

An entire zoo goes on the rampage after its water supply gets contaiminated with PCP… turning all the animals into unstoppable killing machines! A classic Italian horror which features a commercial airline being taken out by an insane elephant!

5. Food of the Gods (1971)

Food of the Gods

This is actually based on an H.G. Wells book! It sees a group of hunters discover an ecology where the animals have grown to monsterous sizes! Including a giant chicken!

Other films of note that feature ‘killer harmless animals’ include the recent Squirrels and Black Sheep. Definetely check out their trailers.

Want us to show one of these films in the future? Let us know which one or leave you own suggestions in the comments box below.

Which of these animal attack films would you like to see? (Poll Closed)
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